Mug's Station

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Have I just Slept for a Night?!

I can't believe the number of dreams I had last night, that I felt I have slept for a long time in order to be able to make so many dreams that I can recall!! This means I slept quite poorly last night as well.

Dream 1: I saw my friends on the street, but they did not invite me. One of them like planes a lot, and it turned out that they gathered together to watch the Blue Angel! I looked up the sky and it was a gray sky with flights flying to show patterns. First one with one plane, then followed by 2. Then, suddenly, I saw smoke in one of the buildings, and then flame! Seems like one of the planes crashed into the building (o no). Suddenly, there's a layer of heat and flame wave that goes through the entire area and people start fleeing... (end of 1st dream)

Dream 2: I was in a space that starts tiling. It seems to be inside a ferry / boat, which starts tilting towards one side. The ground was white in color. In order to balance, everyone tried to lean backwards in order not to fall. I even tried suggesting to a lady next to me what should she do to balance herself. The tilting kept on and finally, none of us could hold on to the ground. The ship also tilted and started sinking! I recall me swimming to the edge of the boat to look for live jackets. There were stored inside the wall of the ship that I need to tear down the wall boundary before I could take those out... (end of 2nd dream)

Dream 3: Me and my friends were having fun inside a house, and suddenly, the house owner came back, who is also my friends who are married already with kid. However, in the dream, the wife just had a miscarriage that her 2nd baby went dead before being born. She was really depressed that she acted a bit abnormal. Finally, the family went to their bed together, though the wife was still behaving quite depressed and a bit crazy (though in real life, the baby was born healthily). Although we tried to comfort her, we ended up leaving at the end... (end of 3rd dream)

Dream 4: I ran into a fire that I need to put on protection suit (including a helmet). It was orange in color. I forgot in the middle what happened. However, I finally escaped and arrived at a place where I saw my college students friends. There were so interested in the suit I have. They even took my helmet and took a picture of it! (end of 4th dream)

You can see that none of these dreams seem to be good nor happy, though I did not wake up because of the dream though. However, I'm pretty sure that I slept quite poorly. Maybe I was too angry yesterday that devil spirits still stir in me while I slept.

I guess I need to stay calm and hope to have a better night tonite.