Mug's Station

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Let There Be Peace on Earth

There are too many conflicts in the world these days...

One of the hosts of CNN made a bad comment about Chinese. A SF official also said some bad things about Chinese. Why do people want to attack each others all the time? I know that Tibet issue is a controversial one. It's so hard to judge the right or wrong. I doubt that saying negative things about the government will help. In fact, the news report this morning was pretty negative too, and it's so easy to cause anger in the audience. Not to say the argument at work yesterday, when people protesting about the dessert name of "free Tibet".

This is really like a vicious cycle: an eye for an eye will never come to an end.

People will argue that we live in a country where you have freedom of speech and people can have different opinions on things. However, is it the appropriate use of this freedom by saying negative things that promote hatred?

I have been asking myself, as a Christian, how should I apply my faith in this world of conflict. I was told that I should give out my other side if someone struck me on one side. I was also told that we should voice out about unfairness in the world, protecting social justice.

I think God loves everyone, including Chinese people, US people, Tibet people, and all other people. I'm sure He does not want these people to be against each other. While it's right to speak up if my country is under unfair judgment (if that's the case), it's even more important to do it in a peaceful way that does not induce other hatred.

May God grant us wisdom when we want to voice our opinion, such that it's expressed in a constructive way to help building a better world!


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