Mug's Station

Monday, February 26, 2007


我有爸媽掛念 事業還望發展
仍能活著 未曾靠諾言
記憶似病發感染 心卻比水善變
再也不相信蜜糖 便信鹽
我怕爸媽掛住 莫被情字拖欠
遺忘昨日 便能記得明天
世間有無數喜宴 情人誰來奉獻
我有膽 總應該會遇見

This song keeps jumping to my head these days. Throughout these years, I think that songs from 楊千嬅 can quite describe what's in my mind. Is it from 楊千嬅, or from 林夕? When can she have a song that gives a happy ending?!