Bike to Work
Today (3/22) is the Alternative Transportation Day! I finally did bike all the way from home to work today, which is around 11 miles. Wow! :)
It's really good to go in a group, which encourages you to go faster without much stop. However, it's quite tiring too if you are going with a professional group. Most of the bikers are quite advanced, with all biking gears, and I was always the slowest one. The gear was not working properly when we went uphill, and then my seat got moved higher, causing me sometime to start my bike.
Luckily, we all arrived safe. Only that I twisted my left thumb at the beginning since I tried to change gear wrongly and pressed too hard with my thumb. With the seat raised, I felt once too since it was too hgih for me and I hurt my palm (minor one). Hopefully, I will recover soon.
Going back to the simple days - this is exactly what people nowadays are doing. Biking instead of driving. Eating organic / raw material instead of processed food. It's so interesting to look at the "evolution" of human. From the basic need of survival for food, to clothes and shelter, to ownership of cars and houses, to job satisfaction and achievement, and finally back to just the basic: food, clothes and shelter. I guess without going through the steps, we will never realize we only need very little in this world. It would be so good if all human can have the wisdom to realize this before going through all the troubles. Afterall, it wasted a lot of energy by exploiting the world to go through these steps.
It's really good to go in a group, which encourages you to go faster without much stop. However, it's quite tiring too if you are going with a professional group. Most of the bikers are quite advanced, with all biking gears, and I was always the slowest one. The gear was not working properly when we went uphill, and then my seat got moved higher, causing me sometime to start my bike.
Luckily, we all arrived safe. Only that I twisted my left thumb at the beginning since I tried to change gear wrongly and pressed too hard with my thumb. With the seat raised, I felt once too since it was too hgih for me and I hurt my palm (minor one). Hopefully, I will recover soon.
Going back to the simple days - this is exactly what people nowadays are doing. Biking instead of driving. Eating organic / raw material instead of processed food. It's so interesting to look at the "evolution" of human. From the basic need of survival for food, to clothes and shelter, to ownership of cars and houses, to job satisfaction and achievement, and finally back to just the basic: food, clothes and shelter. I guess without going through the steps, we will never realize we only need very little in this world. It would be so good if all human can have the wisdom to realize this before going through all the troubles. Afterall, it wasted a lot of energy by exploiting the world to go through these steps.
At 11:43 PM,
Unknown said…
I need to get back to my biking schedule....
I think nowadays people... including myself sometimes... are too obsessed with the comforts of life... Driving instead of biking... Sleeping in instead of early raising, early sleeping. Take outs... wasting the plastic box, cups, forks, and spoons... We want good harvest, we use plenty of pesticite, hormones, gene alteration... Who know even raw fruits and vegis are safe. Even Organic ones... But we need to trust God that all we are consuming is safe, all the environment friendly things we do is really helping and not destroying.
God help us to have wisdom to take care of your world. Amen.
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